Recently in doing a migration project to Exchange Online Protection (for a large number of domains) it was necessary on a regular basis to make changes to DNS records, and part of that is validating that the records were changed to the expected and correct values.

Therefore I created a PowerShell script (Validate-ExoDnsRecords.ps1) to assist with this. The script will check the following items for a domain that you specify:

  • That a valid Exchange Online protection MX record exists for the domain, with a preference of 0
  • That a valid CNAME exists for
  • That a valid SPF record exists with an include for ‘’, or that there is an SPF redirect
  • That valid selector1 and selector2 records exist for DKIM with a validly formatted CNAME name host.

A complete list of the Microsoft 365 DNS pre-requisite configuration is available:

Sample usage

Below is an example using it against this domain, and as you can see I now have a todo to fix my DKIM records!

.\Validate-ExoDnsRecords.ps1 -Domain

By Andrew

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